EFTF 2010 - 24th European Frequency and Time Forum

EFTF 2010 - 24th European Frequency and Time Forum EFTF 2010 - 24th European Frequency and Time Forum
  • Contact

    ESA Conference Bureau
    P.O. Box 299 2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands
    phone: +31 71 565 5005
    fax: +31 71 565 5658

  • Registration costs

    200€ to 480€

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  • Updated on 2009-12-14 15:53:00

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Papers are sought in the following topics:

Group 1: Materials, Filters & Resonators
A. Fundamental Properties of Materials
B. Piezoelectric Materials
C. Theory and Design of Resonators and Filters- BAW, SAW, FBAR, MEMS, NEMS…
D. Performance of Resonators and Filters

Group 2: Oscillators, Synthesizers, Noise, and Circuit Techniques
A. Oscillators - BAW and SAW
B. Oscillators - Microwave to Optical
C. Synthesizers and Other Circuitry
D. Noise Phenomena and Aging
E. Measurements and Specifications
F. Timing Error in Digital Systems and Applications

Group 3: Microwave Frequency Standards
A. Microwave Frequency Standards
B. Atomic Clocks for Space Applications
C. Fundamental Physics, Fundamental Constants, & Other Applications

Group 4: Sensors & Transducers
A. Resonant Chemical Sensors
B. Resonant Physical Sensors
C. BAW, SAW, FBAR, and MEMS Sensors
D. Transducers
E. Sensor Instrumentation

Group 5: Timekeeping, Time and Frequency Transfer, GNSS and Applications
A. TAI and Time Scales, Time Transfer (TWSTFT), and Algorithms
B. Satellite Navigation (Galileo, GPS, ... )
C. Telecommunications Network Synchronization, RF, Fibre Frequency Distribution
D. Frequency and Time Distribution and Calibration Services

Group 6: Optical Frequency Standards and Applications
A. Optical Ion and Neutral Atom Clocks
B. Optical Frequency Combs and Frequency Measurements
C. Ultra-Stable Laser Sources and Optical Frequency Distribution
D. Fundamental Physics, Fundamental Constants, & Other Applications