Dark Universe Workshop: Early Universe Cosmology, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter

Dark Universe Workshop: Early Universe Cosmology, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter Dark Universe Workshop: Early Universe Cosmology, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter
  • Contact

    Bhaskar Dutta
    ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research
    IFT-UNESP (1º andar), Rua Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz 271, Bloco 2 - Barra Funda 01140-070 São Paulo, SP Brazil
    phone: +55 (11)3393 7839

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  • Updated on 2019-09-18 04:09:00

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São Paulo

Over the last decades we have accumulated a vast amount of cosmological data, leading to a better understanding of our universe at large scales. At the same time, deep underground and satellite-based experiments have constrained the nature of dark matter. A multidisciplinary effort to address the particle physics and cosmological aspects of dark matter, as well as other early universe physics, is therefore essential. Exploiting the complementary aspects of early universe cosmology and particle physics can shed light on some of the most exciting and important open problems of our universe such as the nature of dark matter, the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry, and the consequences of an inflationary epoch in the context of particle physics. The goal of the workshop is to establish collaborations between international research groups and the ongoing Brazilian efforts in cosmology and particle physics, with an emphasis on the multidisciplinary approach.

There is no registration fee.