International Symposium on the Whole Atmosphere (ISWA)

International Symposium on the Whole Atmosphere (ISWA) International Symposium on the Whole Atmosphere (ISWA)
  • Other events of interest

Recent developments in observational techniques and the extension of observational networks have enabled the capture of atmospheric phenomena concurrently over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. In addition, global numerical models, including coupled climate models and chemistry climate models, in which data assimilation techniques are implemented, are being extended to higher-altitude regions with greater horizontal and vertical resolutions. These developments allow the examination of atmospheric phenomena over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales in terms of their interactions and momentum/energy budgets. Such observations and models generate considerable amounts of data; thus, methods of data analysis are becoming increasingly important and "data-centric" science needs to be pursued. In parallel, new theories that can treat various phenomena seamlessly and three-dimensionally are needed, and those able to describe inductively elucidated structures are being constructed. These circumstances compel us to organize this symposium in order to review the latest research regarding the whole atmosphere, particularly focusing on the dynamics of the middle and upper atmosphere, and to discuss the direction of future endeavors.

We call presentations that focus on the following topics:
Vertical coupling of the middle to the upper and/or to the lower atmosphere especially in equatorial and polar regions
Interhemispheric and/or latitudinal coupling through the middle atmosphere
Wave-mean flow and/or wave-wave interaction
Role of the middle atmosphere on climate
Solar effects on the neutral atmosphere
Nature of the variability of the neutral upper atmosphere
Observation technology of the middle atmosphere
High-resolution modeling of the middle atmosphere
ICSOM (Interhemispheric Coupling Study by Observations and Modeling)
All other topics on the middle atmosphere dynamics