22nd Ka and Broadband Communications Conference and the 34th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference

22nd Ka and Broadband Communications Conference and the 34th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference 22nd Ka and Broadband Communications Conference and the 34th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference
  • Other events of interest

United States
Cleveland, Ohio

The 22nd Ka and Broadband Communications Conference and the 34th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), the two most influential technical conferences on satellite systems, will be held jointly in Cleveland, Ohio, on October 17 to 20, 2016. The first day, October 17, will be devoted exclusively to the ICSSC Colloquium.

The theme of the Joint Conference "Communications Satellite Systems: A Look Back at the First 50 Years and Thoughts on the Next 50" emphasizes the vital role of satellites in providing information, entertainment, weather forecasting, travel directions and communications for civilian use, while for governments, satellites provide key functions for civil and military needs, security and public safety, search and rescue operations, tracking of moving vehicles on land and at sea, environmental sensing and monitoring, and disaster assistance. Also, satellites are the only means of achieving a better understanding of our universe and in particular of our galaxy. This search calls for unprecedented communication capacity, now provided by Ka-band satellites and in the future by Q/V and possibly W band satellites.

This Joint Conference will cover these capabilities, propose and discuss new uses, and provide a forum for the exploration of the economic, marketing, technical and regulatory issues affecting these new and planned services.

Events of the Joint Conference to support the above goals are:

The Colloquium on "Commercial Broadband Technologies and their Application to Next Generation Space Exploration Networks" (to be held on Monday, October 17, immediately preceding the Joint Conference) will bring together users of the future space networks to discuss their evolving needs and developers of Commercial technologies and services to present potential innovative contributions to future space exploration networking.
The Plenary Opening Session on "Communications Satellite Systems: A Look Back at the First Fifty Years and Thoughts on the Next 50” will present the significant achievements of the satellite industry during the last fifty years and will look at the future, starting with the third generation Ka Band Systems, the proposed LEO global broadband access systems, and NASA’s plans for the interplanetary communications.
The 14th BroadSky Workshop, a half day workshop hosted by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) of Japan, will be focused on a timely topic in satellite communication technology.
The Third General Assembly of the Aldo Paraboni Propagation Experimenters Group (ASAPE), an open forum of researchers performing propagation campaigns with the Aldo Paraboni payload and other satellite payloads at Q/V bands and beyond.